How much do you know the compressed air dew point generated by free oil air compressor?

Published Time:2018-09-04    Hot:

Now there are more and more free oil air compressors to be used in medical industry . With the increasing demand for air compressor sets with dryers, how much do you know the dryer? What does the dew point of dryer can reach? In a dryer, the reading of evaporation temperature (evaporation pressure) cannot be used to replace the "pressure dew point" of compressed air. Then let me introduce the knowledge of compressed air dew point temperature .

1What is dew point? What is it related to?

The temperature of unsaturated air is called dew point when it reaches saturation state by lowering the temperature while keeping the water vapor pressure unchanged (that is, keeping the absolute water content unchanged). When temperature drops to dew point, condensate droplets precipitate in wet air. The dew point of wet air is related to temperature and moisture content in wet air. The dew point with high moisture content is high, and the dew point with low moisture content is low.

2What is "pressure dew point"?

When the humid air is compressed, the vapor density increases, and the temperature does not rise. When the compressed air is cooled by water, the relative humidity increases. When the temperature continues to drop to 100% relative humidity, water droplets are released from the compressed air. The humidity is the "pressure dew point" of the compressed air.

3What is the relationship between "pressure dew point" and "atmospheric dew point"?

The corresponding relationship between "pressure dew point" and atmospheric dew point is related to "compression ratio". Under the same pressure dew point, the greater the "compression ratio", the lower the atmospheric dew point.

4What instruments are used to measure dew point of compressed air?

Although the unit of dew point pressure is temperature, its connotation is the water content of compressed air. Therefore, measuring dew point is actually measuring water content of air. There are many instruments for measuring the dew point of compressed air, such as "electrolytic hygrometer" with phosphorus pentoxide and lithium chloride as electrolytes.

5What should we pay attention to when dew point is used to measure compressed air dew point?

Measuring air dew points with a dew point meter, especially at the poles where the air moisture content is measured, requires careful and patient operation. Gas sampling equipment and connecting pipes must be dry (at least drier than the gas under test) and the pipe connection shall be completely sealed. Choose according to the regulations, and require a long enough pretreatment time, a little carelessness, will bring great error.

6The "pressure dew point" of compressed air is measured with a dew point meter. The sampling point should be placed in the exhaust pipe of the dryer, and the sample gas should not contain liquid water droplets. The dew points measured at other sampling points have errors.

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